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NameMAN NL262
Manufacturer NameMAN
ChassisMAN NLxx2 (898/A10/A15/A29)
BodyMAN NLxx2
Design of doors
List Of Vehicles
No. Name VIN Built Scrapped Year Of Buy Withdrawn Registration Numbers Vehicle Numbers
ВХ 0436 СВ
MAN NL262WMAA103392B016370 199720172017GM-LT 202 (1997-2009)
GM-HS 6543 (2009-2012)
ВС 7041 СО (2012-2017)
ВХ 0436 СВ (2017-)
Show Photos and History Of Vehicle (1/0)


Maintenance Break

Man on the way/

In order to ensure an uninterrupted service environment, We are carrying out maintenance operations on its online services, including some changes, updates and service functions! We aim to minimize any disturbances resulting from the maintenance. Please check back here soon!

We look forward to your next check-in!